Contaminated Chips from China!

By now, everyone on the planet has heard about (or read or watched videos) the floods in China. What people do not understand is how pervasive these floods have been. The floods have destroyed the crops in the fields and yes, there is going to be a food shortage in China this Winter.
This site is all about technology so I am going to look at the floods from that perspective. Most of the vast build-out of Chinese manufacturing has occurred in the areas that have been ravaged by the floods. You must understand, these floods are not a few feet or meters; we are talking about 15-20 feet or 3-4 meters. Many places have floodwaters as high as on the third floor.
What is this doing to the sprawled out Chinese manufacturing factories? They have been destroyed. Their manufacturing equipment (all electrical) has been submerged in muddy water. Yes, it is “fresh” water, but it cannot just be washed off, dried out and everything will work again. The tiny mud particles have gotten everywhere including into the electric circuit cards and yes, into the chips controlling everything. What else has happened? It is not just the factory floors that have been flooded, it is the warehouses that hold all of the parts needed by the factories. Think about that. How many of those parts will rust? How many of those parts are circuit cards? How many of those boxes and boxes contain chips and wafers that were waiting to be used in the assembly lines.
All of these parts have been contaminated by the muddy floodwaters. Think how many million chips and wafers are being used by Chinese manufacturers in a month. Where do all of these chips and wafers come from? Yep, the warehouses that have been flooded. ALL CHINESE ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS ARE CONTAMINATED AND UNRELIABLE!!!!!!! This does not just apply to phones; it applies to anything that has a chip in it. Appliances, TVs, Routers, Modems, Car Parts, Robotics and Military parts as well.
Just like the CCP Virus, the Chinese will be aware of this problem/issue before anyone else. What are they going to do about it? They will keep all of the chips that were stored “high up” in the warehouses for themselves; they will be needed for their military applications. The rest will be put into products to be shipped around the world. They will hope that the world does not realize the faulty equipment is related to the floods. After all, it could be software or firmware, but it is the underlying contaminated hardware.
The United States has made major moves to limit the high-end chips that China can import. China, accordingly, is trying to buildup it’s domestic production of chips. So, what do you think has happened to all of those chip foundry macines? Many of these have been flooded whether they were in the chip-making factories or the warehouses. So yes, the contaminated wafers are a big deal.
I am writing this to give all of my readers a heads-up; the world of electronic devices to include audio headsets and earpieces, VR Headsets, Game Stations, laptops, tablets, and yes, phones (even Apple) are going to take some serious hits in reliability. China is still the leading supplier of everything electronic. The problem is that China has becomed Contaminated.
Everyone will try to hide the cause of this problem. If everyone finds out about it, no one will buy anything made in China. That will mean the end of the Multi-National drive to make China the next SuperPower. Supply Chains are already leaving China and this will accelerate the departure. First, the virus and now the floods – China is finished.

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